When a person who is considered to be a Swedish resident dies, a Bouppteckning is required to be made upon 3 months from the date of the death. In cases when the deceased had more debts than assets you may be required to file a Dödsboanmälan instead of the Bouppteckning. Maja Fohlin Gyllner assists with the preparation of a Bouppteckning/Dödsboanmälan and also assists with the preparation of the Housing devision and succession agreements

In cases when the beneficiaries cannot agree on the succession, Maja Fohlin Gyllner may be engaged to represent one or more beneficiaries to get their demands through, or engaged to act as the beneficiaries mediator. A beneficiary may also apply at the court to have a boutredningsman or skiftesman to be appointed to maintain the remains and arrange for the succession to be finalized. Maja Fohlin Gyllner also offers to be appointed to boutredningsman.

Picture of Maja


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