How you or the company
can solve problems
MAJATTORNEY provides legal advice to private individuals and companies in situations where a Problem is a Fact.
Maja Fohlin Gyllner may then serve as your legal counsel or as a mediator if both parties agree to with the goal to reach a consensus agreement. Alternatively Maja Fohlin Gyllner may serve as a legal representative who represents you or the company in court or before the authority in question, with the purpose to meet your or the companies demands; to dispute a counter-party’s demands; or to reach a consensus agreement.
Maja Fohlin Gyllner also undertakes assignments as executor of wills (testametnesexekutor) ; execituor of estates (boutredningsman/skiftesman), estate administrator/probate (bodelningsförrättare), appointed administrator (god man).
Examples of documents that may serve to solve problems are:
- Conciliation agreement
- An agreement of partition of joint property
- Housing division and succession agreement
- Generation- and ownership agreements/transfers
- Wills
- Premarital settlements/agreements
- Gifts
- Various types of contracts

When a person who is considered to be a Swedish resident dies, a Bouppteckning is required to be made upon 3 months from the date of the death. In cases when the deceased had more debts than assets you may be required to file a Dödsboanmälan instead of the Bouppteckning. Maja Fohlin Gyllner assists with the preparation of a Bouppteckning/Dödsboanmälan and also assists with the preparation of the Housing devision and succession agreements.
In cases when the beneficiaries cannot agree on the succession, Maja Fohlin Gyllner may be engaged to represent one or more beneficiaries to get their demands through, or engaged to act as the beneficiaries mediator. A beneficiary may also apply at the court to have a boutredningsman or skiftesman to be appointed to maintain the remains and arrange for the succession to be finalized. Maja Fohlin Gyllner also offers to be appointed to boutredningsman.
If you as a husband/wife or sambo cannot agree on the separation of property due to a divorce/separation, both of you may engage Maja Fohlin Gyllner to act as your mediator, or either one of you can engage Maja Fohlin Gyllner to represent you with regards to the separation of property agreement. You may also apply at the court to have a bodelningsförrättare appointed who will determine the separation of agreement if you still cannot agree in consensus. Maja Fohlin Gyllner also offers to be appointed as bodelningsförrättare.
In case you own a property with someone and you cannot agree on how the management of the property should be handled, you may engage Maja Fohlin Gyllner to represent you and get your demands through or act as a mediator in order to eliminate the co-ownership. You may also apply to the court to have a god man appointed who will arrange for the property to be sold in order to have the co-ownership dissolved.
When parents cannot agree on the custody of, accommodation for and/or visiting frequencies to their children, their are different ways to find a solution depending on what is considered being best for the child and the parents wishes. Maja Fohlin Gyllner offers assistance as a mediator if both parents agree to and may also represent one of the parents.
If you may suspect a child is not being good cared of, the socialnämnd may also apply for compulsory care in accordance with the law of care for young.
If you or the corporation for example is not getting paid from a customer; is incorrectly facing a request of payment from a supplier; or there is something else wrong with a delivery/purchase/sale, Maja Fohlin Gyllner may represent you or the corporation in order to get your demands through.
As a small entrepreneur you often face the same type of complex questions as the multinational corporations do who have a stab of corporate counsels to lean on. You may need counseling with regards to several business related questions as per example: incorporation, board, employment, mergers and acquisition, sale of business/part of business, interpretation of and preparation of agreements, corporate and personal income tax, establish business abroad etc. Maja Fohlin Gyllner can be engaged to assist you as your legal counsel with regards to any of these matters and may also represent you corporation in any of these situations to get your demands through if necessary.
MAJATTORNEY also has the competence and experience of interpretation of the construction standard contract.
MAJATTORNEY may also assist with the review of GDPR implementation and the actual implementation of necessary process to be compliant with GDPR.
As a small entrepreneur you often face the same type of complex questions as the multinational corporations do who have a stab of corporate counsels to lean on. You may need counseling with regards to several business related questions as per example: incorporation, board, employment, mergers and acquisition, sale of business/part of business, interpretation of and preparation of agreements, corporate and personal income tax, establish business abroad etc. Maja Fohlin Gyllner can be engaged to assist you as your legal counsel with regards to any of these matters and may also represent you corporation in any of these situations to get your demands through if necessary.
MAJATTORNEY also has the competence and experience of interpretation of the construction standard contract.
MAJATTORNEY may also assist with the review of GDPR implementation and the actual implementation of necessary process to be compliant with GDPR.
If you or the corporation for example is not getting paid from a customer; is incorrectly facing a request of payment from a supplier; or there is something else wrong with a delivery/purchase/sale, Maja Fohlin Gyllner may represent you or the corporation in order to get your demands through.
When parents cannot agree on the custody of, accommodation for and/or visiting frequencies to their children, their are different ways to find a solution depending on what is considered being best for the child and the parents wishes. Maja Fohlin Gyllner offers assistance as a mediator if both parents agree to and may also represent one of the parents.
If you may suspect a child is not being good cared of, the socialnämnd may also apply for compulsory care in accordance with the law of care for young.
In case you own a property with someone and you cannot agree on how the management of the property should be handled, you may engage Maja Fohlin Gyllner to represent you and get your demands through or act as a mediator in order to eliminate the co-ownership. You may also apply to the court to have a god man appointed who will arrange for the property to be sold in order to have the co-ownership dissolved.
If you as a husband/wife or sambo cannot agree on the separation of property due to a divorce/separation, both of you may engage Maja Fohlin Gyllner to act as your mediator, or either one of you can engage Maja Fohlin Gyllner to represent you with regards to the separation of property agreement. You may also apply at the court to have a bodelningsförrättare appointed who will determine the separation of agreement if you still cannot agree in consensus. Maja Fohlin Gyllner also offers to be appointed as bodelningsförrättare.
When a person who is considered to be a Swedish resident dies, a Bouppteckning is required to be made upon 3 months from the date of the death. In cases when the deceased had more debts than assets you may be required to file a Dödsboanmälan instead of the Bouppteckning. Maja Fohlin Gyllner assists with the preparation of a Bouppteckning/Dödsboanmälan and also assists with the preparation of the Housing devision and succession agreements.
In cases when the beneficiaries cannot agree on the succession, Maja Fohlin Gyllner may be engaged to represent one or more beneficiaries to get their demands through, or engaged to act as the beneficiaries mediator. A beneficiary may also apply at the court to have a boutredningsman or skiftesman to be appointed to maintain the remains and arrange for the succession to be finalized. Maja Fohlin Gyllner also offers to be appointed to boutredningsman.
därför vanligt förekommande. Maja Fohlin Gyllner åtar sig här uppdrag avseende allehanda affärsmässig rådgivning såsom exempelvis frågor avseende bolagsbildning, styrelse, anställning, företagsförvärv, ombildning av företag, avveckling/förvärv av verksamhet eller del av verksamhet, försäljning av verksamhet, tolkning/upprättande av avtal, inkomstskatt och moms, etablering utomlands etc.
Maja Fohlin Gyllner har även kompetens och erfarenhet att tolka byggbranschens standardavtal på entreprenadområdet.
Maja Fohlin Gyllner kan även bistå med översyn av GDPR efterlevnad och kan även vid behov bistå företag med att implementera de nödvändiga processer som krävs för säkerställande av små företags GDPRs efterlevnad.
Maja Fohlin Gyllner har även ett brett svenskt och internationellt professionellt kontaktnätverkatt tillgå, varmed om eller när en eventuell fråga kräver specialistkunskap utöver vad MAJATTORNEY besitter, klient antingen kan hänvisas att uppdra annan professionell kontakt för hjälp, eller så kan endast en fråga hänskjutas till professionell kontakt inom ramen för uppdraget hos MAJATTORNEYs om klienten hellre föredrar det.
Book a meeting today
Maja Fohlin Gyllner – Jur Kand
+46 26 18 82 22
+46 70 61 88 016
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the button below.